

by Josh McCutcheon

All music recorded and mixed at at the Hard Left Productions studio in London ON.

A thorough understanding of modern digital recording and production techniques will give your  project a  leg up in today's music scene and advertising culture.  As a songwriter and musician, Josh McCutcheon's comprehensive knowlege, musical diversity and musicianship will get your music noticed by your target audience.  Turning your artistic concept into a sonic reality is what Josh, founder of Hard Left does best.


A great voice, microphone and the best software are tools of the trade, but what good are tools without the experience? With over a decade in the voice-over and radio production industry, Josh understands that it's all in the delivery!

 Hard Left is equipped to handle the demands of any voice-over project and features the latest software and technologies.  Josh voices, writes, and produces commercials on a daily basis totaling OVER 6 THOUSAND PRODUCTIONS A YEAR!  Precise editing skills give you, the client, a recorded product that is clean and accurate with little to no editing or equalization needed  while saving you production time and money.

His voice-over work and productions are heard across the North West Territories to the Cayman Islands, and all markets in between. These spots cater to a variety of audiences and demographics, consistently delivering a superior sound that clients are unable to achieve in-house, while keeping production costs to a minimum.


Successful radio and television stations, podcasts, and advertising campaigns all have one thing in common. All have Imaging that capture our attention and leave a lasting impression on its intended audience.

Hard Left is continually watching for inventive trends in advertising as well as latest production tools and techniques to keep your signature sound current alongside your competitors.